Creative process,  Nature

Bee Happy, how to promote a Roof for Bees?

The idea for this illustration comes from an Instagram challenge #dtiys organized by the artist Poopikat. I loved her character and wanted to create my version. I also had a lot of luck; the sun was still high in the sky in Denmark, and the flowers were beautiful.

I wanted to use this illustration to promote a French company that I greatly appreciate, Un Toit pour les abeilles (A Roof for Bees). The concept of this company is to help beekeepers through a membership. So, each month, you can sponsor a beehive near or far from your location. In return, you receive honey pots from that beekeeper. At the time, it was even possible to personalize the pot with your name. A fantastic gift!

So, the initial idea was to place the character on a large flower. Unfortunately, despite its small size, it was still too heavy and made the flower tilt. I then settled for the community garden in our city, and I had plenty of choices. I finally chose lavender because it connects me to the south of France, the region where I grew up, and I found it perfect for the occasion.

I love the final result because it is so bright and full of sweetness. 🐝

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