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What if we could stop setting “good” resolutions for the New Year?

The beginning of the year often rhymes with “good” resolutions. I have always found it quite challenging to stick to promising to do or not do something because it often came with a heavy sense of guilt on the days when I couldn’t keep my promises. In The Four Agreements, there is this motto that says “Always do your best” with the nuance that the best is not the same as the better. The best, for me, is doing what we can with the energy of the moment. Some days, my best is finishing my projects, taking a walk, cooking with the children, doing gym… and then another day, my best is just going from my bed to the sofa. And that’s okay. Doing my best, with what I have, suits me better.

So instead of making resolutions that I already knew I wouldn’t keep, I felt like writing a list of things I wanted to achieve, moments I wanted to share, and goals I wanted to reach. All are accompanied by monthly goals because at every moment, we grow, we evolve, and our goals evolve with us.

As I like to have positive reminders, I also wanted to add all these inspiring phrases that I want to repeat to myself throughout the year, especially in difficult moments. Seeing these phrases is a great motivation for me, and I hope to discover more of them throughout the year.

And then, one last thing, one last point: taking care of myself, and that with a very small routine, a very small thing that I know will do me good. If I don’t do it, it’s okay, it’s there as a reminder to tell me that I am important and that taking care of myself should not be the last priority. This little routine for me will be meditation.

Because in my brain where it’s always a party, meditation allows me to settle all those sparkling bubbles and brings me great clarity (for the following minutes 🤣). And if sometimes I don’t do it, it’s absolutely fine.

So I wish you a lot of sweetness and beautiful projects for this new year.

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