
My Illustrated Short Story: “A Bright Bouquet”

This week has been quite a complicated one here, and as often happens to me, when too many strong emotions mix, I get sick. 🤒 As a result, I was down for the entire week. And it’s never fun, especially when you also have to take care of the children.

But as often happens, these moments of forced pause by the body have also allowed me to clear my mind. To move forward in a way. 🌟

I’m presenting you with a short story I wrote a few weeks ago. I wanted to bring it to life, and I hope you’ll enjoy it. Tomorrow is the first day of school in Denmark, so we’ll slowly ease back into the routine! 🎒 A routine that I’ll prepare gently and with lots of love.

A Bright Bouquet

The dress was bright and beautiful. Never before had she felts so pretty in her entire life. She was like the lovely dolls in the magazines, the ones we admire but can’t quite look like. But here she was, being herself and shining.

In her hand, she was helding a beautiful and bright bouquet, a magical one.

She was not only beautiful but also adorable and she knew it.

However, it was during this precise moment of glory that her neighbor, Victor, chose to step outside.

“Do you have your mind all scrambled, Daniel? Why are you dressed like that? Did you hurt your head somewhere?” Victor asked sounding puzzled.

What could Daniel possibly say in response to such questions? That no, he was perfectly fine, more than ever in his life, he was truly himself, he was his truest self.

No, Daniel didn’t have an answer because there was absolutely nothing to explain. So he simply smiled.

“Okay” replied Victor, feeling a bit embarrassed and staring at his own feet, When he finally looked up, he asked: “Can I hold your train?”

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