Magic,  Nature

Who I am?

My name is Nathalie Yoko, and I am a French author and illustrator currently living in Denmark. Born in 1983, my most vivid childhood memories include the tales, myths, and legends my mother used to tell me, the magical girls I watched on TV, the stories I invented, and the paper characters I created!

As a young adult, still in love with literature, I decided to be a teacher with a deep desire to share this passion. What I hadn’t anticipated was that my students would provide me with my greatest life lessons. I became passionate about alternative pedagogies that could promote the well-being, listening, kindness, and autonomy of children.

The arrival of my daughter transformed me, reconnecting me with my wild nature, instinct, and the sacred feminine within me. After changing countries, multiple moves, and the birth of another child, I decided to listen to my heart and shape the life of my dreams.

Today, just like when I was little, I write stories that reflect values dear to me, such as respecting emotions, appreciating the beauty of nature, finding joy in simple things, and exploring other subjects, whether simple or serious.

Today, as always, I continue to create watercolor paper characters with whom I play in nature or the city, crafting poetic and quirky scenes.

Today, I practice homeschooling with my two children, even if I prefer to say that the world is our school.

Today, I feel aligned, living and enjoying every minute. This doesn’t mean there are no difficulties, no sad moments, no trials. It simply means that I am walking the path I have chosen.

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