But what do you put in a Vegetarian Sandwich?
Recently, I went to different events where food was served. I was super excited, and when I saw the food, I couldn’t find a single vegetarian option. I was surprised, and when I heard someone asking “What do you put in a vegetarian sandwich? I was confused. I don’t want to force people to become vegetarians themselves, but I also know that we can’t continue eating meat/fish at every meal. So vegetarian options should be the casual option, should be the thing by default, and the other ones should just be there sometimes, not all the time! When I got back home, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. So I…
Spring is coming, and I didn’t believe it anymore – My experience in Scandinavia
The sky is clear, birds are singing. Sitting outside, I am writing this article surrounded by multicolored flowers, buzzing insects, the perfect springtime scenery. Depending on where you live, this seasonal change might go almost unnoticed, as natural as day following night. However, living in Scandinavia, the true arrival of Spring resembles the awakening of Sleeping Beauty’s world. Why Spring is So Special in Scandinavia: When I lived in France, particularly in the South, I mostly felt summer and the other seasons. That was it. Yes, there were blooming trees in spring, falling leaves in autumn, and a cold wind in winter, but nothing particularly remarkable. Freshly arrived in Denmark,…
Le Printemps arrive, et je n’y croyais plus ; Mon expérience depuis la Scandinavie
Le ciel est clair, les oiseaux chantent. Assise dehors, je suis en train d’écrire cet article entourée de fleurs multicolores, de bourdonnements d’insectes, le décor printannier idéal. Selon la région du monde où vous vivez, ce changement de saison passe presque inapercu, il va de soi comme le jour après la nuit. Oui mais voilà, lorsque l’on vit en Scandinavie, l’arrivée réelle du Printemps ressemble au réveil du monde de la Belle au bois dormant. Pourquoi le Printemps est-il une saison aussi spéciale en Scandinavie ? Lorsque je vivais en France, dans le Sud plus particulièrement, je ressentais surtout l’été et les autres saisons. Et c’est tout. Oui, il y…
Découvrez l’univers des Paper Dolls : le plaisir des choses simples
Je ne me souviens pas vraiment de ma première Paper Doll, mais ce dont je me souviens, c’est que je n’ai jamais vraiment arrêté d’y jouer, d’y penser, d’en créer. Les Paper Dolls sont bien plus qu’’une activité de papier, leur histoire remonte aussi loin que l’histoire du papier. Dans cet article, je partage avec vous une brève histoire des Paper Dolls avant d’aborder tout ce qui rend cette activité fascinante. Qu’est-ce qu’une Paper Doll ? Les Paper Dolls, comme leur nom l’indique, sont des poupées de papier qui ont captivé l’imagination des enfants depuis des générations. La plus ancienne apparition d’une Paper Doll repertoriée remonte à 1650,. Ces créations…
Discover the world of Paper Dolls: the joy of simple things
I don’t really remember my first Paper Doll, but what I do remember is that I never really stopped playing with them, thinking about them, and creating them. Paper Dolls are much more than just a paper activity; their history dates back as far as the history of paper itself. In this article, I share with you a brief history of Paper Dolls before sharing what makes this activity so fascinating. What is a Paper Doll? Paper Dolls, as the name suggests, are paper dolls that have captured children’s imaginations for generations. The earliest recorded official appearance of a Paper Doll dates back to 1650. These simple creations quickly gained…