Premières Lunes, mon journal pour accueillir tes premières règles autrement
Cela fait des années que j’ai envie de réaliser un ouvrage pour montrer aux jeunes personnes menstruées que l’on peut accueillir ses premières règles autrement ou même les accueillir tout court ! C’est chose faite et le livre est maintenant en vente.
Illustrer un livre pour enfants Partie 1 – la découverte du projet
Illustrer un livre pour enfants, cela parait simple peut-être, mais la réalité est bien différente. Il y a de cela plusieurs mois, j’ai commencé à travaillé sur un gros projet, un livre pour enfants illustré intitulé Les Aventures des Teenies Weenies. Maintenant terminé, je suis heureuse de vous le présenter. J’ai donc envie de réaliser une série de posts afin de vous emmener avec moi durant ce long voyage, vous présentant chaque étape, mes difficultés, mes réussites et mes conseils. La découverte du projet Comme la plupart de mes projets, celui ci est arrivé jusqu’à moi à l’aide du bouche à oreilles. Une personne cherchait un illustrateur afin de donner…
How do I create a magazine cover?
I love magazines that combine the beauty of illustrations with subjects that are dear to me. Respire magazine, Open Mind, and Flow magazines are on this list, surrounded by many others. Inspired by their work, which I find magnificent, I felt like creating my magazine cover using my illustrations. This gives them a new dimension that I adore. Here is the beginning of my process: I painted my character following an autumnal color code. The lines were done in ink with a dip pen and the colors were in watercolor. With the completed character, my next step is to find and arrange the perfect composition to showcase the illustration. And…
My Illustrated Short Story: “A Bright Bouquet”
This week has been quite a complicated one here, and as often happens to me, when too many strong emotions mix, I get sick. 🤒 As a result, I was down for the entire week. And it’s never fun, especially when you also have to take care of the children. But as often happens, these moments of forced pause by the body have also allowed me to clear my mind. To move forward in a way. 🌟 I’m presenting you with a short story I wrote a few weeks ago. I wanted to bring it to life, and I hope you’ll enjoy it. Tomorrow is the first day of school…
When I cry… My Ebook about emotions
I’m slowly getting used to the rain that keeps on falling, thinking that summer seems to be over. However, I still have a little doubt and I tell myself that the sun will come back when everyone goes back to work! Lately, I started creating a very simple format of stories to share them and also to improve my storytelling and illustration skills. Often, these stories are inspired by my daily life and topics that I find important regarding child development. This first story is simply based on my experiences. When I don’t feel well, I feel even worse if people ask me too many questions. So, perhaps I’m still…