In the middle of the storm, Remember to Breathe
Did you have a good weekend? We’re almost at the end of August, and it’s as if I didn’t even see it go by! It’s incredible how it flies by. I’m working on a new children’s book talking about yoga, nature, and meditation. The characters are magic creatures, living in the middle of the forest, but I’ll say more about this project in the future. Anyway, I wanted to remind myself to “breathe.” đź’¨ especially when everything goes crazy! So I’ve prepared this wallpaper for my phone using one of my illustrations for the children’s book project. And every time I use my phone, I see this small and kind…
My Illustrated Short Story: “A Bright Bouquet”
This week has been quite a complicated one here, and as often happens to me, when too many strong emotions mix, I get sick. 🤒 As a result, I was down for the entire week. And it’s never fun, especially when you also have to take care of the children. But as often happens, these moments of forced pause by the body have also allowed me to clear my mind. To move forward in a way. 🌟 I’m presenting you with a short story I wrote a few weeks ago. I wanted to bring it to life, and I hope you’ll enjoy it. Tomorrow is the first day of school…
How to celebrate the Full Moon with your Children?
The full Moon is quite magical. Just looking at it, at her, peace my soul and bring me comfort. For many years now, I’ve been tracking the Moon because I feel so connected with her. A full moon is a perfect moment to let go. Let go of our fear, our sadness, and much more. I started with women’s circles in France and missed them deeply when I moved to Denmark. I didn’t find any group in Copenhagen, even if I’m sure such things exist there. Anyway, I started my rituals by lighting a candle, listening to soft music, and picking an oracle card. After that, I discovered the “Womb…
Comment le challenge 1000 heures dehors a changé mon quotidien ?
J’aimerais partager avec vous cet super challenge. Ă€ la fin de l’annĂ©e dernière, je me sentais complètement perdue et je ne savais plus vraiment si je voulais continuer l’Ă©cole Ă la maison avec mes enfants. Ma plus jeune fille ne faisait plus de sieste dans la journĂ©e, et j’avais vraiment du mal Ă trouver du temps pour dessiner ou simplement pour penser. J’ai donc commencer Ă regarder les diffĂ©rents børnehave (institution danoise pour les enfants de 3 Ă 6 ans) Alors que je regardais Instagram, ce post est apparu : un challenge de 1000 heures. Je ne savais pas ce que c’Ă©tait, mais cela m’a immĂ©diatement intriguĂ©e. J’ai voulu en…
Transformer un coloriage en une illustration traditionnelle
Il m’arrive parfois de m’amuser avec les crĂ©ations digitales, la tablette par exemple. C’est toujours agrĂ©able de changer et parfois un peu plus facile surtout lorsque les enfants tournent tout autour de vous ! (Je dis parfois, car la plupart du temps, je trouve que passer par le dessin traditionnel est bien plus facile avec mes enfants parce qu’ils ont envie de se joindre Ă moi et de dessiner aussi) Alors j’ai eu envie de dessiner des petits doodles d’hiver pour illustrer ce mood si spĂ©cial et cozy. Ce fameux “hygge” danois. Des petites crĂ©atures de la forĂŞt majoritairement, car c’est notre endroit prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©. Notre nouvelle salle de classe. Alors,…