But what do you put in a Vegetarian Sandwich?
Recently, I went to different events where food was served. I was super excited, and when I saw the food, I couldn’t find a single vegetarian option. I was surprised, and when I heard someone asking “What do you put in a vegetarian sandwich? I was confused. I don’t want to force people to become vegetarians themselves, but I also know that we can’t continue eating meat/fish at every meal. So vegetarian options should be the casual option, should be the thing by default, and the other ones should just be there sometimes, not all the time! When I got back home, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. So I…
Discover the world of Paper Dolls: the joy of simple things
I don’t really remember my first Paper Doll, but what I do remember is that I never really stopped playing with them, thinking about them, and creating them. Paper Dolls are much more than just a paper activity; their history dates back as far as the history of paper itself. In this article, I share with you a brief history of Paper Dolls before sharing what makes this activity so fascinating. What is a Paper Doll? Paper Dolls, as the name suggests, are paper dolls that have captured children’s imaginations for generations. The earliest recorded official appearance of a Paper Doll dates back to 1650. These simple creations quickly gained…
My Birth Story: Home Birth in France
To begin with, I would like to say that I was a perfect mother, an ideal mother before having a child! I hadn’t even thought about it; I would be a super mom with a top-notch stroller, bottles, and a little suitcase ready to take to the maternity ward as soon as the first contractions were felt. The mom you see in the movies. How did I come to this decision? But when my first child was announced, things happened differently. First, I imagined that the pregnant woman would be taken care of, that they would explain many things to me, be caring. Far, far from reality. A glimpse of…
What if I don’t want to save time?
The last time, I was talking with my husband about a video he had seen on Instagram. He was explaining the content of the video, and as I listened (promise, attentively), I reflected that the video format worked better because it allowed people to move more quickly, to get to the end of the content faster, and then move on to something else. Indeed, if we look closely at the world around us, all products promise us to save time. But upon closer reflection, what does it mean to save time? And do we really want to save time? If you pay a certain amount, you will have more followers,…
An Advent Calendar to take care of yourself
I have always loved Advent calendars. As a child, I remember having a very thin calendar with a tiny chocolate inside. Back then (yes, I sound a bit like a grandma’), there were no elaborate, grand calendars, and we all had pretty much the same. Nowadays, there are calendars for every taste, and I find them both great and too much. In my everyday life, I love minimalism and prioritizing experiences over possessing many things we ultimately don’t need. However, as an adult, mom, homeschooler, illustrator, etc…. I need time! I need moments for myself, not necessarily long moments, but moments to recharge. So, this Advent calendar is the perfect…