Et si on arrêtait avec les “bonnes” résolutions ?
Début d’année rime souvent avec “bonnes” résolutions. J’ai toujours trouvé cela assez difficile à suivre de se promettre de faire ou ne pas faire quelque chose car cela allait souvait de pair avec une grosse culpabilité les jours où je ne pouvais m’y tenir. Dans les Accords Toltèques, il y a ce motto qui dit “Fais toujours de ton mieux” avec cette nuance que le mieux, n’est pas le meilleur. Le mieux, pour moi, c’est faire ce que l’on peut avec l’énergie du moment. Mon mieux certains jours, c’est terminer mes projets, me promener, cuisiner avec les enfants, faire de la gym… et puis un autre jour, mon mieux, c’est…
How to live a balanced life? The 4 Agreements explained to children
During a women’s circle, one of the people introduced me to the 4 Agreements. I immediately wanted to dive into this world and started listening to the audiobook to better understand them. It’s a book written by Don Miguel Ruiz If you are not familiar with this work, it consists of 4 major laws to apply in everyday life to find a better balance and transform one’s life positively. ✨ The 4 agreements are: After discovering these laws and starting to apply them in my daily life, I couldn’t help but discuss them with my daughter. I wondered how I could create something visually that could help her better understand…
What if we could understand our cycles?
Every month, I find myself getting frustrated and shouting over nothing, which isn’t like me at all. And all of this could have continued for a long time if I hadn’t realized that these moods were happening on New Moon days. The New Moon also called the Black Moon, is the moon that we no longer see at night, the opposite of the Full Moon. Following the moon’s journey allowed me to parallel it with my menstrual cycle. Because yes, modeled on the 28-day lunar cycle, women vary. And that’s an understatement. We evolve, we transform, and sometimes, we feel like a completely different person. And that’s normal! But nobody…
In the middle of the storm, Remember to Breathe
Did you have a good weekend? We’re almost at the end of August, and it’s as if I didn’t even see it go by! It’s incredible how it flies by. I’m working on a new children’s book talking about yoga, nature, and meditation. The characters are magic creatures, living in the middle of the forest, but I’ll say more about this project in the future. Anyway, I wanted to remind myself to “breathe.” 💨 especially when everything goes crazy! So I’ve prepared this wallpaper for my phone using one of my illustrations for the children’s book project. And every time I use my phone, I see this small and kind…
When I cry… My Ebook about emotions
I’m slowly getting used to the rain that keeps on falling, thinking that summer seems to be over. However, I still have a little doubt and I tell myself that the sun will come back when everyone goes back to work! Lately, I started creating a very simple format of stories to share them and also to improve my storytelling and illustration skills. Often, these stories are inspired by my daily life and topics that I find important regarding child development. This first story is simply based on my experiences. When I don’t feel well, I feel even worse if people ask me too many questions. So, perhaps I’m still…