What if we could understand our cycles?
Every month, I find myself getting frustrated and shouting over nothing, which isn’t like me at all. And all of this could have continued for a long time if I hadn’t realized that these moods were happening on New Moon days. The New Moon also called the Black Moon, is the moon that we no longer see at night, the opposite of the Full Moon. Following the moon’s journey allowed me to parallel it with my menstrual cycle. Because yes, modeled on the 28-day lunar cycle, women vary. And that’s an understatement. We evolve, we transform, and sometimes, we feel like a completely different person. And that’s normal! But nobody…
How to react when you’re child is in an emotional tornado?
Emotions are always a big struggle for children (and for adults too by the way). That’s why I wanted to create a simple tool to help them navigate and understand the “main” emotions. My first observation is that it can be so frustrating for a child to feel all these big emotions without being able to understand or put words on them. So they explode in their way, it can be shouting, crying, hurting, kicking everything… And as adults, as we don’t react like that anymore (just sometimes) we are always surprised by the intensity of this volcano of emotions. We have a giant fire in front of us, so…
How to celebrate the Full Moon with your Children?
The full Moon is quite magical. Just looking at it, at her, peace my soul and bring me comfort. For many years now, I’ve been tracking the Moon because I feel so connected with her. A full moon is a perfect moment to let go. Let go of our fear, our sadness, and much more. I started with women’s circles in France and missed them deeply when I moved to Denmark. I didn’t find any group in Copenhagen, even if I’m sure such things exist there. Anyway, I started my rituals by lighting a candle, listening to soft music, and picking an oracle card. After that, I discovered the “Womb…