Did you ever play with Paper Dolls?
I have always played a lot with dolls, but what I loved was inventing stories and preparing my dolls. Once these steps were completed, I didn’t feel like playing anymore. One day, my parents took away my dolls for some reason I can’t quite remember. I felt empty and needed…
Feeling a little nostalgic? Color the best consoles in the World
Hello there! Here’s a little coloring page inspired by the best of consoles 🤣 Seriously, I fired up my Game Boy a few weeks ago, and once again, I was completely hooked! I explained to my kids that back in the day, we didn’t have saving options, and we had…
In the middle of the storm, Remember to Breathe
Did you have a good weekend? We’re almost at the end of August, and it’s as if I didn’t even see it go by! It’s incredible how it flies by. I’m working on a new children’s book talking about yoga, nature, and meditation. The characters are magic creatures, living in…
My Illustrated Short Story: “A Bright Bouquet”
This week has been quite a complicated one here, and as often happens to me, when too many strong emotions mix, I get sick. 🤒 As a result, I was down for the entire week. And it’s never fun, especially when you also have to take care of the children.…
When I cry… My Ebook about emotions
I’m slowly getting used to the rain that keeps on falling, thinking that summer seems to be over. However, I still have a little doubt and I tell myself that the sun will come back when everyone goes back to work! Lately, I started creating a very simple format of…